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Five Figma tips that are essential to my workflow | whatbrentsay

Five Figma tips that are essential to my workflow

  • #design
  • #figma

Navigate the layer panel with keyboard

Much faster than clicking around. If this list was one item long this would be it.

  • Cycle forward and back through sibling frames with tab and shift + tab
  • Descend into a frame with enter and go back up a level with shift + enter
    • All child/parent frames will be selected when you do this so it’s also a stealthy way to select all sibling frames.
  • esc deselects all

Apply Auto Layout with zero padding

Adding Auto Layout to a single object applies default padding that’s equal to your big nudge amount—weird that this isn’t configurable.

  • To get around this, first nest your object in a frame with cmd + alt + G, then apply Auto Layout to that frame with shift + A

Select locked elements on the canvas

  • cmd + right click brings up a mini layer panel at your cursor location which also includes locked layers
    • Use cmd + shift + L to toggle lock

Use cmd + / to avoid menus

You can find and run just about anything in Figma via this feature. Most of the time I use it to run plugins.

Replace frames with components en masse with the Master plugin

Master allows you to pick a component and then replace any selected frame(s) in a file with it. Combine this with something like the built in find or Similayer to quickly component-ize that one frame you assumed you wouldn’t need to duplicate a few hours ago but is now everywhere. Until Figma has a more robust way to replace frames with components, this is the best option—a shame, but the $37.50 it costs is well worth it.

whatbrentsay © 2025 | words by brent